
pinterest and other late-night wonders.

lately, i've been trying to be more active in pinning. i often check my pinterest app on my ipod, but i don't really pin my own things. i DO still save images from around the web into random folders on my computer and hugs' computer, too. darn. so, i'm trying to go save-free and pin it up! this way, i can share my ideas and loves with my friends! i love it. such a great sharing community. though it's already getting me into trouble (read: my sister-in-law-to-be is urging me to start crocheting because of an adorable pinterest project she found)!
another cuddled-in-bed-boredom-cure for me has been k-dramas. i love international media of most sorts, and i'm a sucker for a story of any sort. the best part is there are quite a few available on hulu, full-run. that means no waiting a week for a new episode! that means a lot of entertainment for those sleepless nights that are oh-so-common when hugs is gone. someday soon, i'll post a list of things i've "learned" from k-dramas about korean society. which, of course, is a bit tongue-in-cheek, because no television show really portrays the current culture of any country!
what do you do late at night when you can't sleep, or need to occupy your mind?

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